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Friday 7 June 2024

Friday Catch Up - 07 06 2024

Doodlewash Art Challenge

1. Aardvark
2. Pebbles 
3. Lemur, 4. Sugarcane
5. Tomato, 6. Hornbill
7. Mallow, 8. Takahe

Birthday Card
My Granddaughter made me a birthday card featuring me and her, a good one for Friday Face Off

Gelliplate Prints
Can you see the faces on the first one? It's an image transfer by using a page from a magazine.
I used handmade stamps and found objects for the next two

Church windows at Beamish Museum

More from Beamish, this time the office in the mining village




  1. Some nice, imaginative art - as usual. And some nice windows and doors.

  2. Lovely art. Enjoyed the windows and doors -Christine

  3. I can see the faces in that first Gelli print. And your aardvark and lemur seem to have distinct personalities. I wonder what is making that lemur excited. These are great drawings too. Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

  4. A belated Happy Birthday. I don't know how old your granddaughter is but she must have looked at your work and been inspired - the one-line drawing, the stamped dots, the pink eyes and the movement. It's a wonderful birthday card.
    As always you show excellent samples of the width of your artwork.

  5. Wonderful animals; the first one is my favorite 👏

  6. I love the drawing and prints. Yes, I did see the faces. There's certainly an air of mystery in that print. Love the doors and windows from the musem. I hope you have a great week.

  7. Fabulous photos and art, and the card from your granddaughter is totally precious! Hubs!

  8. I like the lemur and the chair in the office.

  9. OMGosh your art is so beautiful and detailed. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a nice weekend.

  10. I do like the pebbles, and that card your Granddaughter made you, is so special.

    Hope you've had a lovely weekend, my good wishes for the coming new week.

    All the best Jan

  11. A belated happy birthday, then!

  12. I always love to see your artwork. Nice seats too.


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