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Friday, 29 November 2024

Friday Catch Up - 29th November 2024

 Another week missed, I had visitors staying but I managed to paint a few pictures before and a few after their visit.

More watercolour sketches for the Doodlewash Art Challenge and Friday Face Off

[Oct]  29. Werewolf Cat

30. Ghost, 31. Costume

[Nov] 1. Art Supplies - the paintwork is awful but I will blame the paper, it is very thin sketchbook paper

I've got another sketchbooks for the next pictures, good quality watercolour paper. It's just a small sketchbook 7 x 4.5 inches.

6. Swan
7. Bicycle, 9. Black Sheep
8. Olive Oil, 10. Mug, 11. Something Red
12. Spaceship, 18.Comet
14. Seahorse, 17. Octopus
16. Parrot, 19. Penguin
20. Cheese, 21. Fence, 22. Angelfish, 23. Window, 24. Rabbit, 25. Fruit, 26. Sweater
27. Turkey


  1. All are good, but I really like the swan.

    All the best Jan

  2. You must have a fabulous sense of humor because your art always makes me smile. What do I like better, the sheep on the bike or the werewolf cat? Have a great weekend.

  3. I am always amazed at how much you can squeeze into each picture.
    The Werewolf Cat and the Ghost look very 'Halloweenian'.

  4. They're all so terrific and often whimsical! My favourites include the ink wash ghost and the watercolour swan -- I particularly like how you did the water and reflection in that one!

  5. Brilliant art. I love that cat and the turkey and well all of them. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  6. It's so much easier to paint with good paper, isn't it!

  7. I love it all but the werewolf cat is my most favorite.


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