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Friday, 21 February 2025

Friday Catch Up - 21st February 2025

Friday Face Off

Faces painted on fabric with Inktense blocks and pencils. It's quite difficult to paint on fabric because if the paint is quite wet, it spreads and if it's too dry it doesn't cover. The first picture is my mum from a few years ago. The others are random faces I found on the net.

 Doodlewash Art Challenge

15. Ancient
16. Monochrome, 17. Sweet Potato
18. Ostrich, 19. Snow, 20. Narcissus
21. Pirate, 22. Slippers

Photo Challenges

Copenhagen, Denmark[above Copenhagen Royal Cast Museum, below Christiansborg Palace]

Fredicia, Denmark

Hammershus Castle, Bornholm, Denmark

Visby on the island of Gotland, Sweden

Thanks for your visit, enjoy your week.


  1. I do like your faces here.

    The Ostrich is my favourite fun and quirky :)

    Lovely photographs, the last one looks so peaceful.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. Lovely art and doors -Christine

  3. A lovely and eclectic assortment of art and photos! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  4. I like your portraits! I love the ostrich! I was delighted to re-visit Visby!

    I agree with you that it is hard to draw and colour on fabric. Apart from the problems you mentioned, there is the trouble of not having the fabric stretched tight enough. In Japan, when kimono silk is painted (by hand), the long and narrow stretch of cloth (usually 11.5 m x 36 cm) is stretched along a long room, obviously longer than 11.5 m! like a hammock and the width is stretched with many thin bars of bamboo. As the fabric is suspended in mid-air, there is no problem with a tabletop making the wet paint leak into the wrong areas. Also, rice glue is painted on, similar to wax in batik making, to stop the bleeding of colours.
    Here is an interesting article with pictures if you are interested:


  5. Your paintings on fabric are really wonderful 🥰
    Thank you for sharing the Denmark photos, and have a happy Sunday 💖

  6. Your mom's face is amazing! What a lovely piece. and I know how difficult it is to paint on fabric, so kudos for doing such a good job. Have a great weekend.

  7. Lovely artwork, architecture and photos. It must be difficult to paint on fabric, but you did a great job. Thanks for the explanation.


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