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Friday 13 May 2011

The Sketchbook Challenge - Resist

 The Sketchbook Challenge for May is 'Can't Resist This'. I did actually post this the other day. My blog dashboard wasn't working yesterday and today I find that this post was missing, so I'm putting it on again as I don't know if anyone saw it or not. Anyway the picture above was created using a regular white candle to make the white lines [resist]. Then I painted it with blue dye. I waxed more areas [below] and painted again but with pink.
 More wax, more dye.
I wasn't happy with the white lines, I thought they looked too white [should have painted the card before putting on the first wax], so I put on strips of 'holey' painted paper. I'm still not sure I like it but I can do some digital alterations to it sometime.

 My other attempt is below, I can't resist a book. I do like this one. I've used the wax candle on this picture too.

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