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Wednesday 11 May 2011

Sketchbook Challenge

The sketchbook challenge for May is 'Can't resist this'.
Although I would call myself a mixed media artist I have mainly been doing brush pen sketches recently so I thought I would try something a little different for a change.  
I used a plain old candle for the resist and just drew lines across the page, then I painted with dye solution.
 It was a bit plain, so I drew on more marks with the candle & then applied another colour.
 Another round, another colour.
 I thought the marks looked too white [should have painted the card before the first wax] so I glue on strips of dyed paper with holes in [from the end of sketch books] so the white would just peek through. I'm still not that keen on it but I will have a go at altering it digitally some time.
 I do like this attempt I did below. 'I can't resist a book'. 
I've also used the candle to add texture to the picture.

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