Blog Pages

Friday 30 July 2021

Catch Up Friday 30 7 21

 World Watercolour Month

Feathered - I though I would give a snake some feathers.
I must be honest, I've not done all the prompts this month. I was child minding for a few days this week plus some of the prompts didn't inspire me.

But I did start a new project. I'm making a small book for a tea lover with rhymes in the style of Monday's child. These are my first drawings/paintings. I'm thinking of doing collage with stitching or a fabric book.

See more creative work at Paint Party Friday or join in.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Watercolour Sketches

 Two more for World Watercolour Month



Friday 23 July 2021

Friday Catch Up 23 7 21

 World Watercolour Month

I'll be honest, I've not done every prompt this month. I don't know whether it is the prompts that are not inspiring me or because the weather has been so hot. No excuse because we don't have to stick with the prompts, I guess I just couldn't be bothered.

The prompt for this was tactile so I thought of my velvet cushions which one can't help but stroke. I did a very simplified version of the cushion as you can see from the image below.
The design for the cushion was a an original watercolour by me which I had printed by Spoonflower on velvet fabric.


Digital Design
Cretaed on my tablet, made into a repeating pattern on the computer.

I'm linking to Paint Party Friday

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Friday 16 July 2021

Catch Up Friday 16 7 21

 World Watercolour Month





Tuesday 13 July 2021

Watercolour Paintings

 More paintings for the World Watercolour Month challenge




Friday 9 July 2021

Catch Up Friday 9 7 21

World Watercolour Month




Little Table

I've got a little table which was getting rather scruffy so I thought I would paint it, but that didn't work so I thought I would try decoupage. I did the legs first using pages from old books, art work, prints etc I didn't think about the top until I came to do it but decided I wanted something different to the legs. I had a sheet of double sided paper and used that. I cut a section of the blue side and put it on the grey side matching up the pattern. 

As it is Friday it must be Paint Party Friday! Have a great weekend.


Tuesday 6 July 2021

Watercolour Paintings

 It's World Watercolour Month

founded by the creator of Doodlewash

31 watercolours in 31 days

These are mine so far

Day 5 Milestone

Day 1 Reflection, Day 2 Momentum
I was behind so I did two in one for the first few

Day 3 Dainty, Day 4 Splatter

Day 6 is Memory - I couldn't think what to do for this so I did a poppy seed head but I was thinking later that it could be a memory of the beautiful poppies I had in my garden last month.