Blog Pages

Monday 28 August 2023

Lantern Tree Flowers

This is a Lantern Tree according to the plant App on my phone


Friday 25 August 2023

Friday Catch Up 25 08 23

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

17-Waffle, 18-Theme Park, 19-Telephone, 20-Crockery

21-Magpie, 22-Tractor, 23-Storm

24- Canary, 25-Sandcastle, 26-Yo-Yo

Some of the lowers in my green fingered sister-in-law's garden
African Lily

Orange Day Lily


Yucca [shame about the bins]

A bench to sit on in North Yorkshire

Monkey Puzzle Tree at Saltwell Park

Experiments with circles. 
The first image is of a watercolour painting, which I have then used in Photoshop with various filters.




Palette Knife


Stained Glass


Wednesday 23 August 2023

Pnk Flower


According to my plant app this could either be a China Aster or a Gerbera

Friday 18 August 2023

Friday Catch Up 18 08 23

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

Poppy, Bridge, River

Newspaper and Furniture


Farm, Rainbow

Black Eyed Susan - Flower of the Day

Digital - Tablet Doodles - I did these quite a while ago but They've been sitting on my computer waiting for me to do something with them, not necessarily together but I decided to combine them digitally then I can get rid of them. I've altered the colour of the 'flower'.

I was messing about with watercolour and a small bottle of perfume that I didn't like to see if it reacted any differently than water - it didn't seem too, but the paper stunk for ages.
I didn't like what I produced, looks like fried eggs on something and not at all appealing.
So I thought I would see what I could do with it in Photoshop

Notepaper filter and the rest are various neural filters. They all still look like eggs!

This one I made into a repeating pattern


Friday 11 August 2023

Catch Up Friday 11 08 2023

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

Dahlia and Pollinator

Seaside, Hot Air Balloon and Water Skier

Houseplant and Ladybird

Skate Park

I'm joining in with Friday Face Off

Shaun the Sheep on the Tyne Art Trail
There are 45 different large Shaun the sheep sculpture around the Newcastle area plus some smaller ones but this is the only one that I have seen so far. They are painted by different artists in different ways. When the trail finishes the sheep are sold to raise money for St Oswald's Hospice. I was reading yesterday that 5 sheep had been vandalised by morons so St Oswald's say they won't be doing this anymore because they're are using the money raised for repairs etc How sad is that? {In 2019 they did a similar thing featuring Elmer the elephant]


Thursday 10 August 2023

Catch Up Friday 04 08 23

Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

Local [This is the Angel of the North, see facts bellow about this large sculpture]





I'm linking with Friday Face Off

We had the Grandkids staying for a couple of days so I got out the old poster paints. They'd not been used for many a year, some were a little dry but most were usable.

I painted a rose

And four year old Joanie painted a sunflower

We were away for the weekend, my brother i law and wife were celebrating their 25 wedding anniversary and had a BBQ. They also did a paella, it was so pretty [and tasty] I thought I would show you it.

Angel of the North facts taken from Gateshead gov web site

Amazing facts about the Angel of the North.

  • It is believed to be the largest angel sculpture in the world
  • It is one of the most famous artworks in the region - almost two thirds of people in the North East had already heard of the Angel of the North before it was built
  • Its 54 metre (175 foot) wingspan is bigger than a Boeing 757 or 767 jet and almost the same as a Jumbo jet
  • It is 20 metres (65 feet) high - the height of a five storey building or four double decker buses
  • It weighs 200 tonnes - the body 100 tonnes and the wings 50 tonnes each
  • There is enough steel in it to make 16 double decker buses or four Chieftain tanks
  • It will last for more than 100 years
  • It will withstand winds of more than 100 miles per hour
  • Below the sculpture, massive concrete piles 20 metres deep will anchor it to the solid rock beneath
  • It is made of weather resistant Cor-ten steel, containing a small amount of copper, which forms a patina on the surface that mellows with age
  • Huge sections of the Angel - up to six metres wide and 25 metres long - were transported to the site by lorry with a police escort
  • The total cost of The Angel of the North was £800,000.