Wednesday 31 October 2018

Trick or Treat

This was the decoration we saw in a pub about a week ago. The green witch moves and makes a noise activated by sound. My young Grandson wasn't impressed.

Beamish Museum getting ready for Halloween nights.

I think this one will look quite spooky on a dark night, its in a small wood.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Inktober 20, 21, 22, 23, Doodle to Repeat Pattern

Day 20 - Breakable

Day 21 - Drain

Day 22 - Expensive

Day 23 - Muddy

A doodle drawn on my android tablet, transferred to my computer for a change of colour, then made into a repeat pattern for fabric or wrapping paper.

Friday 19 October 2018

Gelli Prints, Inktober 18, 19 and Doodle

Gelli prints using a Gelli Arts printing plate and acrylic paints.
 I used a texture board for this which I made out of wallpaper and card

 I used real leaves on these four

Inktober, Day 18 - Bottle
This is a drawing of a small green glass bottle which has decoration of metal featuring plants and dragonflies.

Inktober 19, Day 19 - Scorched

A doodle painted on my tablet to try out the app Infinite Painter.
I'm joining in with Paint Party Friday

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Inktober 15, 16, 17 and Leaf

Day 15 - Weak

Day 16 - Angular

Day 17 - Swollen

This leaf took my eye while out on a walk today.

Sunday 14 October 2018

Friday 12 October 2018

Inktober 9,10,11,12 and Textured Squares Cushion


Day 12 - Whale
Day 11 - Cruel
Day 10 - Flowing

Day 9 - Precious

I finished the embroidery on this cushion a long time ago and then it got left on a pile of to do's. I decided yesterday that I must finish some of the pile and at long last I have finished it, the cushion that is, not the pile!
I used squares of different textures and shades of brown/beige/cream. Likewise with the threads. The background fabric is velvet, reused from a pair of curtains.

It's not the best cushion I've ever made but at least I have finished it.

Friday 5 October 2018

Inktober and Glass Bauble Vase

Inktober Day 5, the prompt today is chicken

I bought this little glass bauble vase a couple of years ago but have only just got round to doing something with it. The little house was 3D printed and then painted, the detail doesn't show up very well in the photos. For the base I embroidered on felt using mainly French knots, running stitch and beads.

Join in or visit Paint Party Friday