Friday 26 February 2021

Friday Catch Up

 Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge


Microscopic [microscopic guts of a water bear]


Altered Vintage Photos with silly faces

Digital Patterns from the tablet made into a repeat pattern

I included these three doodles/mandalas in the repeat pattern

We went for a walk on a beach this morning and almost walked into this little fellow. He blends in with the surroundings, we thought he was a big rock. We've never seen seals there before [I don't know if they are often seen there]. But it was a lovely surprise seeing some wildlife.

And don't forget it's Paint Party Friday

Friday 19 February 2021

Watercolours, Sewing and Fabric Design

 Doodlewash Watercolour Challenge

Wooden Toy

Hands and Gloves - I'm not very good at drawing hands so I thought I would do a silly drawing instead.

I made a baby dress and bib for my new granddaughter due next month, this should fit when she is about 3 months.

The fabric is purchased, not my design.
I also made a summer dress for my other granddaughter who will be two in May. 
I found this pattern on Pinterest.

I've been working on a design for a Spoonflower contest, the theme is hand drawn florals. Use of earth tones and florals from native [backyard] botanicals are suggested. Also think of the end product as blouse fabric - this I forgot about plus the backyard bit so I'm not sure either of these will be suitable. Can you imagine either of these as blouse material?

Friday 12 February 2021

Doodlewash and Digital Faces


Cup and Saucer



Experiments with Faces
Made up faces drawn on my tablet then made into repeating patterns on my computer

It's Friday so it's PAINT PARTY FRIDAY

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Watercolour and Digital Paintings

Doodlewash Challenge

Yellow rose


I normally use watercolours for the doodlewash challenge but I went digital for the next three for the prompt kaleidoscope

Other digital art done on an android tablet