Tuesday 2 February 2021

Patchwork Fabric Design and Watercolour Sketches

Next week there is a Spoonflower contest entitled Patchwork. I've got two possible designs I could enter but you can only enter one so I have to choose which. I spent a long time creating fabrics for the lower of the two and 'patching' them. Then I thought I could use one of my embroidered crazy patches as a design which I did by mirroring etc. That one came about quite quickly [although the original patch didn't].
So which one? Click on the image for a better view.

The final three paintings for January's Doodlewash Challenge






  1. The puppy is so adorable! Cutness overload! And I really like the sunset. Beautiful colors! Have a great day!

  2. Both are beautiful but I definitely choose the first one. Its texture is great and love the patterns.
    Down painting is beautiful and two others fine as well.
    Healthy and happy February you all xx

  3. Wonderful art and designs again! Stay safe, Valerie

  4. I love your stunning crazy quilt design and can see that a lot of work was put into stitching it, even if the pattern design was squick on the computer.
    The second design is of course based on more traditional piecework and could be used as a 'fake' patchwork quilt, simply by sandwiching, backing and quilting it.

  5. Beautiful work. Love the textiles but that puppy won my heart.

  6. Oh - those patterns are lovely! That pup is just so darn cute!!


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