Tuesday 30 June 2020

Doodlewash and Baby Tops

All the June prompts for Doodlewash. The top right got spoilt after an accident with water.


Tigers Eye


I've also done some more sewing this week. I made some tops for the baby, she's one.

Unfortunately they are a bit short, she must have grown a lot in the last few months. I'll be able to alter the white one but not the pink one but that one is slightly longer.

Friday 26 June 2020

Cranes and Doodlewash

WIP - I've started work on a picture of cranes for an embroidery. I drew the pictures digitally, printed them out and as the design is bigger than the A4 paper I had to join several sheets together. Then I transferred the design to fabric by using a light box and a Pilot Frixion Erasable Gel Ink Pen. The pen lines can be ironed off if they have not been covered up by embroidery.

Also on the theme of cranes, I used the same birds for a Spoonflower fabric design and added a digitally altered watercolour background. I entered the design into their weekly contest, I came 491st out of 769 designs and received 32 votes. The winner got 393 votes!

The design showing a single repeat and below as a repeating pattern.





Part of the A3 page

Happy Paint Party Friday

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Cherry Blossom and Doodlewash

My son and daughter-in-law bought me some acrylic paints for my birthday so I had a go with them. I found instructions on the internet for this.

Back to watercolours and Doodlewash





Part of the full page showing the cake stand. I had an accident with some water at the top of the page so the green pepper got spoilt.

Friday 19 June 2020

Doodlewash and Gelli Prints



Playing Cards

I followed instruction from isoiationartschool on instagram for the follwing picture created on a gelli plate with string. Mine doesn't look as good as theirs. It's supposed to look like flowers

I had paint left over so I coloured some paper to use for collage maybe. I made marks in the paint with some things made of plastic, rubber and a handmade rabbit stamp.

When I first put the paint on it just kept separating like this which is quite a nice effect sometimes but usually I want the plate covered properly. I'm wondering if its because the paints are not the best.
Happy Paint Party Friday!

Friday 12 June 2020

Patchwork Bag, Watercolour Paintings and Card

Remember the pile of hexies I made? Well I've put them to good use and made a bag. I made it up as I went along so it's not perfect. By the way when I originally showed the hexies I said I made them on an evening while watching TV, I didn't mean one evening but many evenings.

I've been practicing more serious watercolours by copying from a book.
These were painted on loose pieces of watercolour paper. I'm not so keen on the flower.

It's my son's and his wife third wedding anniversary and as I couldn't go out to the shops I made them a card. The third anniversary is leather so I cut two hearts from leather. I used the brown card as that is what was used for their wedding invitations and I thought it would be a nice memory.

Friday 5 June 2020

A Page from a Sketchbook

It's an A3 sketchbook and I used an ink pen and watercolours. Some of the ideas I got from looking through old magazines before dumping. I'm sharing with Paint Party Friday.