Day 8 with Karen Stamper - Colorful characters.
A figure was found on the web, printed then the shape was used to cut from bright papers.
I used the back of the original print on the collage below. There was something already printed on the other side from another project. I used the cut out to paint around it.
I used the cut out as a stencil
Day 12 with Angela Fehr - Developing your intuitive style through spontaneous watercolour
I took a section of this, replicated and turned it etc to make a repeating pattern
Day 9 with Toni Burt - Sunshine on a cloudy day
Day 13 with Brandon Dean Johnson - Rough cartoon sketching
Day 13 with Karen Abend - Closing session - explore ideas, colour and meaning in a mini doodle diary.
This little accordion book was made with computer paper so is quite flimsy. I like to do the sessions while watching, sometimes it is impossible and I have to pause it but for this one I was way in front at times as I did really simple drawings. I used pen and coloured pencils apart from the house which was painted with watercolour.
I've not done all the sessions but I may do some more if the mood takes me