Tuesday 27 April 2010

Take a Stitch Tuesday [weeks 5 to 9]

Continued from yesterdays post......
to find out more about the TAST challenge click here
week 5 Knotted Buttonhole Stitch
My plan was to see what stitch was in the challenge & then do it at a later date from a book as my sewing stuff was downstairs.... but not all the stitches are in my book [thought it was a good one too, having said that there are hundreds of different stitches]. Anyway in my book there is a different version of the stitch above and the knot is at the other end. So I now have sewing stuff in this room too and I followed Sharons instructions instead, which incidently are very good.

week 6 Buttonhole Eyelet Flower
week 7 Rope Stitch
week 8 Fancy Hem Stitch
for some reason I did this twice, which I didn't realise until I was putting them in the book .. I worry about my memory sometimes
And this is todays challenge - Raised herringbone Band
I deleted the picture because it wasn't very good, it will be on my next post


  1. This is a really lovely way to present the samples

  2. Thanks for the great idea to combine altered book or printed journal and embroidered samples. You really sparked my creativity!
    Marianne C.


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