Friday 8 July 2022

White Rhino

 I managed to do some new artwork, yeah. 

I thought I would continue in my book of endangered species.

White Rhino of Africa. There are two genetically different sub species - Northern and Southern.
As of March 2018 there are only two rhinos of the Northern [Kenya] species left and both are female.

I used pen, watercolours and oil pastels on watercolour paper.
I'm linking with Friday Face off



  1. I hope they will save themselves. Your painting is fabulous.

  2. Wow! this is truly magnificent. I am so impressed. You have the body proportions perfectly executed. Thank you for joining in with me for Friday Face Off. Please put a link back to me. I forget to do it too. Have a lovely day today.

  3. That's beautiful Lin! Sad about the Kenya species of Rhino. :(

  4. Beautifully done, very expressive

  5. This is wonderful art and so meaningful. I look forward to more of your work honoring endangered species.

  6. This worked well. You've made a good use of the texture of the paper.

  7. This is a magnificent piece of art and love that you combined medium to achieve it. So sad that about the endangered species ... are there any, males and females, in captivity? I am hoping there is a possibility of saving the Northern rhino. So you tweaked my anger at the human race with this post ... I am mumbling under my breath. There are so many humans that need to be endangered ... but I won't get started. I am going to focus on your beautiful art work :) Be well, Lin ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. This is wonderful. I love the use of mixed media.

  9. Wonderful art. Always so sad to hear of an endangered species...

  10. You are such a fantastic artist, Linda!

  11. Fabulous art Lin :)

    All the best Jan


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